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How to optimize your site directories using the free Excel file “Site Directory Evaluation Grid”?

Although the number of website directories is constantly increasing, their quality and usefulness often leaves something to be desired, which is why Anified has developed a program that allows directory managers to analyze their directories in detail. so that you can later improve them more easily.

It is a file (workbook), downloadable for free, to open with a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Office Excel or OpenOffice. The person responsible for the analysis should then answer a series of simple questions, such as “Do the categories have a description?” Once the questionnaire is completely completed, several scores are assigned to the directory for each theme (quality of SEO, visitor interests, etc.), then a radar-type graph is generated to allow easy comparison between several different evaluations.< /p>

This file is likely to be of interest to several different audiences, on the one hand directory managers who wish to optimize their site, and on the other hand SEO professionals who seek to determine which directories are the most interesting to offer their sites.

It is not necessary to have a complete spreadsheet to use the program since the Microsoft Excel Viewer software can be downloaded for free from the site.

To download the file:

This press release was written and published free of charge by “Submit Indexer”